Registration Information and Links


This year, parents must request transportation through the Edulog parent app in order for students to be eligible for bus transportation. Step-by-step instructions and a video tutorial can be found in Passport under the busing link. By completing the registration process you acknowledge that you understand you must request transportation for a student in order for them to ride a bus. 

ACHI Counselor Disclosure


ACHI Student Handbook

24-25 Student Handbook

24-25 español manual del estudiante

District Assessment Information 

There are several assessments used in the schools. Please make sure you read and understand which assessments each of your students will have.

District Assessment Information 

Informacion sobre la evaluaction de BESD 

District Attendance Policy 

Students are expected to be in attendance in order to be successful in school. The school will send letters of concern when students miss school without valid excuses. 

Policy 5035- Attendance Requirements/Procedures

Politica 5035 - Requisitos de asistencia/ procedimientos

District Computer Policy 

Students are expected to use computers/digital resources responsibly. 

Student Computer Agreement 

Acuerdo de responsabilidad sobre recursos informaticos/digitales - Estudiantes 

Policy 4177—Responsible Computer Use 

Politica 4177 - Uso Responsable del ordenador 

Meal Charge Policy 

Parents are expected to have enough funds in a student's lunch account to cover all charges.

Free and Reduced Applications must be submitted each year. 

Policy 2241—School Nutrition Program–Charge Policy 

Politica 2241 - Programa de nutricion escolar - Politica de cargos 

Fee Payment Agreement 

All fees (lunch, library, etc) must be paid within 15 days. 

Fee Payment Agreement 

Distrito escolar de Box Elder Acuerdo de Pago de Tasas y Multas 

FERPA Notice 

Student educational records and information are kept private. Opting out to directory information is required by written notice as explained in the notice. 

2020 FERPA Notice 

Ley de Derechos Educativos de la Familia y Privacidad Aviso de Informacion del Directorio 

Student Data Collection Notice 

Aviso de Recogida de Datos de Los Estudiantes 

Student Health History 

Student Health History This is listed twice in our registration.  You only need to fill one out per student.  

Medical Treatment 

Consent to access medical treatment if necessary. Medication can be given if the form is completed (see the school's office personnel). 

Medical Treatment Agreement 

Medical Treatment - Spanish 

Student Rights Policy

Students are expected to behave properly. This policy covers expectations, right, and responsibilities pertaining to bullying, hazing, cyberbullying, and abusive conduct. 

Policy 5270—Student Rights and Responsibilities 

Policia 5270 Derechos y responsabilidades de los estudiantes 

Student Insurance 

Student Accident Insurance is available and may be obtained. 

Student Accident Insurance 

Our school/district has selected the Student Insurance Plan from K&K Insurance Group to make reliable coverage available to parents. If you don’t have other insurance, this plan may be a resource to consider. Additionally, even if you have other coverage, this plan can help fill expensive “gaps” caused by deductibles and copays. Coverage may be purchased at any time during the school year by visiting

View 2021–22 insurance coverage for the student accident plan.

View enrollment instructions in both English and Spanish 

Student Transportation Policy 

Students are expected to behave properly. This policy covers what is expected as well as consequences. 

Policy 2216 Transportation - Conduct on Buses 

Politica 2216 - Transporte - Conducta en los autobuses

Pledge of Allegiance

● Utah State Code:

● Opt out requires a written email to the Principal of the school from the student’s parent.